The Woodpecker, the Hawk and the Hummingbird

Konrad Sprenger, soundcheck, Techtonics Athens, 2017

Konrad Sprenger, soundcheck, Techtonics Athens, 2017

Sprenger’s guitar outputs each string separately in a surround sound. The guitar is precisely tuned in Fullman’s just intonation system. Sympathetic resonances from the guitar reinforce the upper partials of the long string instrument. This duo conjures a mesmerizing folk music band. Immersed in the diffusion of the room, phantom instruments arise: banjo… harmonica… horns… cello… fancy guitar picking… organ…

The project has been performed at AngelicA, 2016, Techtonics, Athens, 2017, Hallo Festspiele, Hamburg, Villa Elisabeth and Archivio Conz, Berlin.